09 January 2007

Disastrous Game

Well. That was sure a wallop we were dealt last night. What a bummer of a game.


At 10 January, 2007 13:41, Blogger anne said...

According to my dad, we were outcoached. He also said pretty much everything that could go wrong in the game did go wrong.

Ah, well. Michigan did pretty badly too. Small comfort, maybe?

I don't watch football, really, but I'm kind of sad about the loss.

At 11 January, 2007 14:00, Blogger Ann "Niagara" WJ said...

Yep, the Mich game was such a thrill, this almost took second place. Another small comfort: at least Urban Meyer, the Florida coach, is from Ohio (Ashtabula). Another national showcase of Ohio coaching talent.

"OH(I-O), how the mighty have fallen."


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