07 February 2007

Move to New Blogger... ?

So, after struggling with Blogger (I'm now convinced Blogger is the single worst piece of software to which Google attached its name) just to log in for the past umpteen weeks, I'm now back in.

I also upgraded my Blogger experience to the "New Blogger," for whatever possible benefit that may provide. Has anyone else given thought to upgrading the Fujim0 blog to the New Blogger?

Just curious.


At 08 February, 2007 14:25, Blogger anne said...

Hmm. I don't think I remember a Panzhenjie. Do any of you?

At 09 February, 2007 10:44, Blogger bigboid said...

No, sounds very fishy. Almost like spam. Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam!

At 09 February, 2007 14:18, Blogger anne said...

Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!

At 14 February, 2007 12:02, Blogger Ann "Niagara" WJ said...

That's about as poor English as those emails asking if you can be an executor of some will in Africa and you'll receive $20K for it. It didn't know Blogger could get spam. Damn the spam! And I can hear you singing that, Anne, as I read it!:-) ... Happy St. Valentine's Day, everyone! Ann


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