05 December 2006

Who wouldn't laugh?

How in the world could anyone keep a straight face when Trsek was making pledges look at this?


At 05 December, 2006 09:28, Blogger anne said...

That is completely hilarious. Thank you so much for sharing!

At 05 December, 2006 09:28, Blogger anne said...

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At 05 December, 2006 13:20, Blogger anne said...

Also - does anyone recall the infamous hotdog overload of the pledge class of 1988?

At 07 December, 2006 09:23, Blogger Ann "Niagara" WJ said...

Yes! Anne, I would love pictures of that Hell Night, actually. Do you have any? I remember you guys made me and Carl eat a hot dog from each end, and I just took a little bite off the end and stuck him w/the rest!:-) Ann

At 12 December, 2006 15:34, Blogger anne said...

Ann -

I have pictures of that night, but they are packed away somewhere. When I come across them, I will pass them on to you.

As I recall, I threw away a lot of hotdogs that night because there was too much overfeeding going on. And I do remember you taking that little bite! Ha.


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