16 February 2007

U.S. Air Force marathon&mini-races Sept 15!

Hey, if you guys want to celebrate the AF's 60th anniversary this year, the AF marathon in Dayton is a good place to go (Sat. Sept 15) -- Fit to Fight, right? I'm putting together info for people at the Youngstown base and thought I'd pass it on to you. You can run the full 26.2 miles, the 1/2 marathon (13.1), the 5K (3.1), or be part of a 4-person relay (first leg is 7 miles, second one is about 5, etc.). AND you can run into old AF buddies:-) I plan to be there to run the full and may set up a tent for our base's group to meet/hang out if we're allowed. Also, the marathon Web site has info about permissive TDY, I think they call it, for you military types. Just a thought! Ann "Niagara"

15 February 2007


This space seems especially silent. Is there nothing you want to share? I'm glad Renee and Brian founded this space... I just wish people would avail themselves of it more often. And by people, I mean you.

That's all.

07 February 2007

Move to New Blogger... ?

So, after struggling with Blogger (I'm now convinced Blogger is the single worst piece of software to which Google attached its name) just to log in for the past umpteen weeks, I'm now back in.

I also upgraded my Blogger experience to the "New Blogger," for whatever possible benefit that may provide. Has anyone else given thought to upgrading the Fujim0 blog to the New Blogger?

Just curious.