16 February 2007

U.S. Air Force marathon&mini-races Sept 15!

Hey, if you guys want to celebrate the AF's 60th anniversary this year, the AF marathon in Dayton is a good place to go (Sat. Sept 15) -- Fit to Fight, right? I'm putting together info for people at the Youngstown base and thought I'd pass it on to you. You can run the full 26.2 miles, the 1/2 marathon (13.1), the 5K (3.1), or be part of a 4-person relay (first leg is 7 miles, second one is about 5, etc.). AND you can run into old AF buddies:-) I plan to be there to run the full and may set up a tent for our base's group to meet/hang out if we're allowed. Also, the marathon Web site has info about permissive TDY, I think they call it, for you military types. Just a thought! Ann "Niagara"


At 20 February, 2007 12:08, Blogger bigboid said...

Ann, I'm not much of a runner any more (not that I ever really liked it to begin with), but I could make plans to be there that weekend and provide support to whomever is running in the marathon. That would give you guys a chance to meet Amy, Matthew, and Zadie! Plus, my Mom lives in Springboro, so we visit there all the time. We can e-mail more as it gets closer and finalize plans.


At 23 February, 2007 12:59, Blogger anne said...

Is this thing only for military types? Just curious. I'm wondering if my knee will ever let me run again, but if it does, maybe I could use this as an impetus to train. I would most certainly not be doing the marathon - I would prefer something much cushier, like a 5K. And at this point, perhaps I could do the 5K on horseback or something. Would that be frowned upon?

At 21 June, 2007 00:58, Blogger Ann "Niagara" WJ said...

Anne, Jonathan,

Doh! I don't know how I missed it initially, but that weekend is our base drilling weekend. One of the higher-ups told me to let people know about the marathon and other races anyway by chance they were going to miss that training period, not have to be there, etc. I really wanted to ask my boss if I could run, but it's the weekend we host Reservists' employers for briefing, plane ride, etc., and I think I'm really supposed to be there. So, looks like I won't be in Dayton. Shoot. I really wanted to put together a team. I may do that anyway, even if I won't be part of it. Take care! Ann


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